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''When I first came to Fred Victor, I was homeless. I was sleeping in parks and on rooftops.''

Your donation helps people like Kwame to find a safe place to call home.

Story of transformation

Kwame’s life journey took a challenging turn when he was just a child. After one of his parents tragically passed away, the weight of grief and loss bore heavily on his family. His surviving parent, struggling to cope with the overwhelming sorrow, turned to addiction as a means of escape.

The devastating combination of losing a beloved parent and witnessing the descent into addiction left Kwame in a vulnerable and precarious situation. Eventually, he found himself placed into foster care, thrust into a world of instability and uncertainty that no child should have to endure.

Leaving his familial home behind, Kwame faced the daunting challenges of navigating foster care, a system that often lacks the emotional support and stability that children like him desperately need. The trauma of these early experiences would go on to shape his life decisions in profound ways.

As he grew older, Kwame tried to find solace and purpose. He sought refuge in various jobs, but the emotional scars of his childhood continued to haunt him. The absence of a stable and supportive family unit had left him vulnerable to making choices that led to homelessness, further compounding the adversity he faced.

It was during his time at the Fred Victor that Kwame’s journey began to take a different course. Here, amidst the struggles of homelessness, he discovered a community that offered the understanding and support he had longed for. Even on his darkest days, the warmth of a meal at the Drop-In provided a glimmer of hope.

Through the medium of photography, Kwame found a way to process his past trauma and channel his emotions into creative expression. This newfound outlet allowed him to explore his feelings of loss and vulnerability in a constructive manner, providing a path to healing.

Kwame’s narrative serves as a powerful reminder of the lasting impact of early-life trauma and the vital importance of supportive communities. Your contribution to Fred Victor helps individuals like Kwame break free from the cycle of homelessness, find stability, and rewrite the stories of their lives.

Together, we can provide the necessary support and resources to those who have experienced childhood adversity, helping them rebuild their lives and create a brighter future, one person, one home at a time.




I have been able to maintain an apartment for more than two years. I am a much better person than I was.

*Photos and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of our clients.  

Fred Victor is a social service charitable organization that fosters long-lasting and positive change in the lives of homeless and low- income people living across Toronto.

Fred Victor is accredited under Imagine Canada’s national Standards Program. The Standards Program Trustmark is a mark of Imagine Canada used under licence by Fred Victor. 

Charitable Registration Number 118931377RR0001

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